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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to grow taller?

Most people ask how to grow taller. Being tall is based on two essential things, genes and your environment. If you parents are tall, most probably you'll be tall also. If your parents, however, are only medium in height, but you're exposed to good nutrition and exercises, you may become taller than your parents. But there will be a point where you say to yourself, this is it, I'm not growing anymore.

You can still grow taller trough costmetic surgery - called llizarov surgery. It is where you legs are lenghtened. There are other procedures (see my site for other types of surgeries) but llizarov is the most common surgery. It's a major surgey and it's life changing. I believe it's is the only way for you to grow with guarantee. Of course except for platform shoes and lifts.

I am not recommending that you should do this but if you're are emotionally and psychologically in pain because you're too short, you may want to research on this procedure.

Best of luck.



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