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Monday, December 28, 2009

When did I actually thought of having limb lengthening?

When I was 14, I already had started thinking of ways on how to become taller. My older brother was 6'2" when he was 14. I was only 5'6". I can vividly remember my frustrations.

However, I had not really thought of having limb lengthening until I had $10,000 in my bank. Money really makes you think differently. I had limb lengthening in 2005 and I had never thought of actually having it 6 months before that. I'd heard and read about it years before 2005 but had not thought about having it. I guess because I thought that there was no way to get it without money.

But suddenly I landed a good job. Even when I had that job, having limb lengthening never crossed my mind. A year after landing that job, I've accumulated around $10,000in my bank and so I thought how should I use this money.

At that point in my life, the only thing I want in my life is to become taller. So it seems like having money and the desire to grow taller coincided at that moment. I didn't even think about the pain of the surgery. I didn't think about how am I gonna tell my family, friends and boss. It just happened.

Looking back, money really makes things possible. In principle, people say money is the root of all evil, but for me - money saved my life.

1 Comment:

Steve said...

Hi !
i did limb lengthening too,
it was actually the internal procedure- more convenient and less risk than the old method-
i did it in France- the surgeon's got a website :
cheers !


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