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Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm having hard time quit smoking during my lengthening.

If you're a cigaretter smoker, the doctor will tell you to stop it because it's bad for bone growth. So better be ready to face it - especially when you are confined in one know you'll be more stressed out and hence you'll need to smoke more.

If you have the surgery in U.S., the doctor may prescribe you strong painkillers such as vicondin or norco. They may notonly help with your pain but also they may help you feel better and thus help you avoid smoking cigarette. They are pretty addictive however.

When I had my initial surgery outside of U.S., they gave me over-the-counter or OTC painkillers such as tylenol - which helped. If you take OTC avoid anti-inflmmatory painkillers such as aspirin as they are not good for bone growth. Use tylenol or other acetaminophen.

I don't really know how would you avoid addiction to cigarette during limb lengthening and recovery. Even people who are not in surgery cannot avoid their addiction.

I suggest that you just concentrate on your end-result (that is gain as much height as you can) - it's tough love ----but I'm telling you if you plan doing this surgery only one time in you life, better do your best so you won't regret it for the rest of your life. You have invested so much in it (time and money) - why would your addiction to cigarette affect it. Stay away from cigarettes or even second hand smoking.

Instead of smoking, maybe you can walk around, talk with other patients, surf the internet, read books, play cards or chess or anything that keeps you away from cigarettes.



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