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Friday, June 25, 2010

Is it worth it to have limb lengthening?

Is it worth is to have limb lengthening? The answer is it all depends to how bad you want it. Some get crazy for being short. They do all things possible and availabe to be taller or to at least look taller. However, some are comfortable to be shorter. They may entertain limb lengthening but they don't think about it as much.

Let's talk about the desperate ones, at the edge of getting crazy. There is nothing wrong with this because I was like this before I had my surgery. I felt inferior. I felt not as important. I felt I didn't belong to my body. I've always thought that I'd be a better person being taller. I knew I had the determination to do the surgery no matter what so I did it. If this is what you feel, you may consider it. What do you have to lose??? This is a big question. A surgery mishap maybe? However, you can counter this by doing a good research and good preparation.

From my experience, it was a balance of budget and the doctor. Some doctors are very experienced so they charge more. This is not the only factor however. Some countries just charge a lot more than those from developing countries.

I suggest that you contact each of the available doctors that you can find. Ask their fees, living cost for staying in their location, their experience, how many surgeries have they had and the likes......For each of these criteria, mark 1 for bad up to 10 for the best. For example, if you think the doctor does not have the experience, mark this criteria 5 as oppose to 10. Do this with the rest of the criteria. Add all of them up to get a total. Compare this total to other doctors' totals. This will be very helpful in your decision making.

Good luck!

How tall do you have to be to become a fashion model?



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